There are things that you could not avoid no matter how much they are sticking in your throat. Even though you keep saying to yourself when it's done, it's done, it is still there, lingering around the corner. Hence I guess our forefathers couldn't be more right when they said, 'if it's meant to be, it's meant to be'. That is what happening to me when it comes to research/study. Here in my medical school, we ought to finish at least three studies on anything related to medicine. There are numerous subjects on earth that actually related to medical stuffs. It ranges from everything to everything and it would take me a day to list them all. Yet, it seems they have left me no options here - Aedes sp is the only perfect match to me and we have been together for so long.
My very first study was to see larvacidal effect of methanol extract of sour sop seeds on Aedes aegypti larvae. A year later in KKKM, we did a brief research to identify what are risk factors of Chikungunya fever which apparently the main vector of the disease is Aedes sp. Then came public health department and we randomly allocated ourselves to some place where Dengue fever is a solemn problem there. And again, we have to survey locals' awareness, attitude and behavior toward Dengue and the vector - Aedes sp. Can someone enlighten me what is it with me and this parasites?
Anyway, statistics, parasitology, and research are really utterly not my strong suit. No matter how cool they look, I still have doubt on myself to enroll in this field. hmmm...
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