Saturday, March 14, 2009

OSCE II - All praise belongs to God

Alhamdulillah, I've made it.

Hmm.. Now I see tougher times ahead. Good luck Kuden.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ma's new toy

Now I know how Kepam felt when she told me that her Mak just bought a new handphone - which way cooler than hers. Yes Kepam, my Ma just bought a new toy too! It is Nokia XpressMusic 5800, which for people like us who have been using Nokia 1100 for ages, Nokia 5800 is definitely a serious decision, man!

Ma is very excited about that. She just set-up Batman - The Dark Knight's trailer as default ring tone and Mercy from Duffy for message tone (it was me who did the setting actually). Anyway, she still finds it is difficult to handle, and keeps sending people empty messages randomly. She really enjoys the video call very much and always ask me to purposely call her number, so that The Dark Knight trailer will suddenly appear on screen.

Look at the bright side, because now Baba has his own handphone too!! Yes people, it is Ma's Nokia 1100.

Monday, March 2, 2009

While I was outside the room...

the 5th pirate was enjoying this,

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