Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rectal touch (not again...)

Today, David and I were asked to do brief history taking on lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and perform rectal touch to a sixty-year old man. Everything went fine until I started inserting my pointing finger into his anus. The old man suddenly giggled uncontrollably. Crap!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rectal Touch

I've had my first-time experience inserting my finger into an adult man's anus in Klaten. It was a very awkward experience I tell you.

. . .

Speaking of Klaten, I've just got back from there after 1 week completing my outside rotation of surgery and I'd say it was my the most productive outside rotation that I've been to so far. :)

Anywise, to all my Hindu friends, I wish you,

A Very Happy Safe and Prosperous Deepavali!

photo credit here

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's not too late

Fire-crackers, ketupat waving session, scrumptious doyot's delicacies, colorful traditional costumes for 12hours, laugh-out-loud, favourite people ONLY, non-stop eating, blah blah blah...

Yes peeps, it was a great raya afterall. Sorry for all wrongdoings and,

Happy Eid ul-Fitr!

photo credit here

Monday, October 5, 2009

the real house

Department Six : Ready, set, shave!

The main reason that urges me now to set on specializing in dermatology is Pak Widodo, Sp KK (K). He really makes things seem so cool, interesting and sexy!

Anyhow, couldn't say much because exam is still 10 weeks ahead. For the time being, lets keep our fingers crossed!

All the while, my hands are busy with needle and thread.

Department Seven : Department of surgery

photo credit here and here

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