Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Best from local

It was heavily raining outside and nobody home when I came back from Gong Badak. I saw a big plastic bag hanging to the main door handle. As I looked into it, numerous dark purple round fruits inside. I was completely astounded. It's mangosteens, people! The last time I had must have been 3 years, maybe more. As soon mother got home, I told her about the mangosteens. Then, I know, it is from Umar, a lad that helps renovating our house. I am so thankful to him.

In the compound, there are 3 rambutan kerök nyör trees which already full with ripe rambutans. It named Kerök nyör because of the sweet flesh which as hard as coconut flesh and detachable to the seed, or in Terengganuspeak, called lököh. But, no matter how many people would fell in love for its sweetness, for me it still cannot beat rambutan gading, the striking yellow outside but juicy inside rambutan, and lököh too. Its almost perfect round shape, haired with smooth light green filaments. And the taste, will take you to someplace called dreamland. It is hauntingly sweet and juicy. Can I say any more than that? But do not get confused with rambutan rakyat, which so not lököh and a bit sour too.

You know what, talking about that already made my mouth water. Serious, I have to have it before going back to Jogja. Hmm.. I guess 5 days are enough for me to complete the mission of 'rambutan gading hunting'.

Some evenings, mother would look so busy in the kitchen with a bowl of durian fleshes in her hand. On the stove, a pot of water is boiling and a glass of santan, coconut milk she then pours into it. While stirring, nnissang, our local sugar is mixed together, giving the sweetness and adding the brown color to it. And finally, our pengat durian is now ready to eat with pulut, glutinous rice that mixed with santan and a bit salt. But in this case, I prefer bread better. I think I've had enough cholesterol.

photo credit here


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