Tuesday, April 27, 2010

tough decision

peeps. lets do some statistics here. out of 10 people, 9 of them are those who cannot make decisions. they are trying to be declarative but still so innocently indecisive. and to fulfill the puzzle, you seriously depend on that one and only friend who is a natural decision-maker.

o well. i am one of those 9 and i do have lots of friends who happen to share the same trait with me. we are all the followers and leading is too much to handle. i guess that is the real world that we are living in now. yin and yang, does that ring a bell?

we have always came at the situation where decision-making is a massive trouble. sometimes, we did not even know where and what to have for lunch for God's sake. some will just keep the mouth shut during the whole conversation, and some will come out with stupid ideas which is actually list of place where not to have lunch. but the most annoying are those who will still have the guts objecting decisions instead of contributing ideas.


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