Monday, August 18, 2008

Convergence insufficiency

We were so excited testing each other's eyes. We used Snellen Chart to check the visual acuity. Then we performed swinging-flashlight test to see the pupil function. But just before we finished our that day's skills lab, doctor demonstrated how to assess convergence (eyes coordination). It started with moving an object (for example, a pen) towards nose bridge.

Physiologically, both eyes will be approaching each other, in other words they are sustaining convergence. But mine, and another group-mate have negative results (Huh?). One of my eyes failed to move. Then, the doctor checked for my extraocular muscles condition, using Hirschberg test (she shone a light to my eyes and see the reflection). Thank God, I don't have strabismus (squint-eyed). According to doctor, mine is because accommodation of eyes is very weak. So nothing to worry about.

Hirschberg test in strabismus patient (see the assymetrical white dots)

Chill! It is not serious. I do have blurred vision after prolonged visual fixation (e.g reading) but it last only up to few seconds (there are cases of people who have blurred vision for more than 15 minutes!) . For the record, most of the blurred vision I have are always after having a very long and serious reading. Which is so RARE ha ha!

Now I know when I really really read lecture notes or not.

post-script: I really need an ophthalmologist or whoever knows better than me to correct me and tell me what really happens here. If it happened to be wrong.

photo credit here


Anna Kyra said...

are any chance,

a medical student?

Kurt Kuden said...

HAHA i guess u already knew the answer, right?

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