Monday, April 7, 2008

The Overlooked Phase

Once upon a time, we had a warm conversation about me which I could not remember when exactly was it. There was my mother laughing heartily and my father laughing too. I was so busy baking kuih-muih, she said, so, I had to put you in a baby-walker most of the time. You just loved kicking the floor and gliding all over the house. My eyes smouldering up at her. You wheeled to your mother, and cried "Nok Uwe! Nok Uwe!" (Want the cake! Want the cake!), he added.

"There was one bright day, when you surprised everyone. I took you out of the walker to the floor, and you, miraculously ran toward us with hand full with 'apam'!" said mother. "We surprised to see you running but never see you crawling!"

Decades ago, the direct selling business was only a part-time business because my father is still active as a pots-and-pan dealer while my mother sells traditional cakes 'kuih-muih' at Pasar Payang. But, it lasted when I was in standard 2, if i am not mistaken.

Well readers, there is a simple phase of very early human development - you have to crawl before walking. It is a human nature to go through those phases. But, did I skip the crawling phase? Or just them who miss that historic event?

After all, I do believe that breaking the 'law of human nature' will withdraw your certain ability. So readers, maybe this is the best answer I could give if people asked me why I am not good in sports. Cheers!

What do you think?


steve on the slow train said...

My daughter Sarah started walking before she crawled and my wife tried to teach her to crawl. Sarah's now married and working on a Master of Fine Arts at the University of Maryland.

I doubt whether walking before crawling did anything bad to you.

Kurt Kuden said...

Steve, haha! I think my calf muscles do not grow properly. I cant kick ball well.. And not good in sports especially those involving legs hehehe.. Send my regards to your Sarah

NKxvii said...

its no excuse! do not suck at football as bad as you think you're just not as good as the other boys.
you're always welcome on my team!

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