Monday, February 2, 2009

Don't be shy to go out

My bowel movement is in its difficult stage. It comes together with abdominal bloating/distension. What a perfect combination! I have tried things to relieve it. I even forced myself to fart, but it turned out to be an awful experience. I drank gallons of water too which caused my urinary system actively working rather than my bowel. Sit-up exercise does not help. Some said banana can help, but some also said it can worsen my constipation. Then, I ate a half comb of banana last night, but nothing, NOTHING happened at all.


Anonymous said...

i've had the exact experience too! it's so uncomfortable it's horrifying! i've tried everything but nothing helped!

one day i ate an assumed to be contaminated bread, my stomach hurts so bad at first but after that 'they' were all coming out followed by a massive diarrhea caused by the bread i ate earlier. hahaha

so i guess you should try eating expired stuff now. hahaha

Kurt Kuden said...

Oh my worldddd! is rotten bread reallyy good for digestive in some way?? But seriously, i have no guts to eat bread with mould on it.. No way! kepam, u really can join fear factor show.. u are crazy

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