Saturday, March 29, 2008


I do still remember my first English teacher, Teacher Zaleha. As a young boy, I have always been fascinated by assortments of new vocabs about things that we can find in classroom like duster, blackboard, cupboard, chalk etc - but amusingly, all of them was wrongly pronounced. Then came Sir Ramli who loved telling stories with diverse intonations depending on how many characters inside his story. Or lovely Mrs Low, who appeared with various notions of teaching English. She first introduced us with her 'English corner' at the back of the classroom or her 'New 3 Words a Day' program. At almost every recess time, we had to go meeting and telling her what are those new three words that we had learnt.

But of course, people will not forget Teacher Rozilin, the fiercest English teacher that I ever had. Before starting the class, 30-plus of us had to stand up on the chairs unless you can answer her 'Tense Pop Quiz'. The trouble is, when you were the last five or three people standing, her extremely painful pinch on your tummy will be awarded. Then there was Mr Jaya, a replacement teacher who asked us to write 1-paragraph essay entitled 'My pet' which i had none. Truth to tell, he did love my imaginary pet, a monkey named William.

Yup, I miss those days like mad.


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