Friday, September 2, 2011

Happy Eid

i have to work on raya eve but that's not much problem to me since admissions were only a few. in fact, i only have one admission - acute myocardial infarction, but things that really tore my heart away was when i have to pronounce one death and to notify another one.

it's damn difficult for me to do such a thing when you know raya is just not about enjoying good home-made food or showing off new bajus but it's also about gathering, reunion and cheering for all the good things that we have in our lives - with family and friends.

and letting goes of your loved one on raya day is not a quick and easy task to complete.


Happy Raya to all my muslim readers, minal aidin wal-faizin.


HLiza said...

Den, ingat akak lagi tak? Tetiba teragak nak check you out..salam Raya!

Kurt Kuden said...

KAK HLIZA!!! Lame tak nampak!I do still remember you!!

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