Tuesday, December 7, 2010

another good year

kek gula hangus and oreo ice blended were not bad at all. it might look pretty awful up there but seriously, it's helluva dee-lish-ess meal i had for birthday breakfast!

big sister bought this for me, big apples. they were scrumptious but it made me silently miss jogja j.co inside.
i know this time will be pretty boring as we do not actually celebrate birthday as in throwing a birthday boy/girl a party and no good friends around or charades or rsvp invitation on facebook but this year, my birthday here with family is freaking awesome because of this,

thank you ma. this is awesome awesome awesome.

what a splendid year!

anyhow, it is another year of hijr calendar and i wish all of us to be granted and blessed with another chance of great ni'mat and rahmat ahead. happy 1432H!


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